Local Library Project
Above is the link to my library project. I've been working on this for a few months now and it's finally finished. All I need now is donations! We're going to be painting the library, organizing the books, and training students and teachers to use it and maintain it. I'm so excited about this project and so are my students.
These past 3 months have been crazy. Trying to balance a new social life with school and working on this project has been an interesting experience. I think I've finally found a happy medium to all of it and the rest of this year should be productive and fun. I'm trying to work with the bakery that I was baking cupcakes with before. I was initially working there with the Finnish manager to try to teach her and her staff how to bake cupcakes to put them on the menu. We made apple cinnamon cupcakes with a honey spice frosting, oreo cupcakes with a white frosting, and chocolate banana cupcakes with a chocolate frosting. They were all incredibly amazing and I had so much fun doing it. But the woman I was baking with was going back to Finland and the NGO closed for a few months. The NGO works with and hires disabled people from the community here and provides medical care and scholarships for disabled students and adults. Hopefully, I can start working with this NGO again because they do amazing work.
Christmas, my 22nd birthday, and New Years were all insanely fun. I had an amazing Christmas lunch with my friends from the Australian restaurant, cooked by an amazing chef from Ireland. My birthday was also fantastic. Things got a little crazy, or, more accurately, I got a little crazy but when it's your birthday I think you're allowed to let loose a bit. New Years was also fun but there was really no countdown involved. I was talking to a friend and then we asked how many seconds left before midnight and realized that we had already missed it. It was the worst countdown I've ever had but the best New Years by far.
That's about all that's been going on in my life. I've got about 6 or 7 months left here and I'm going to make them count! Please consider donating to my library project. I've been working really hard on this grant and my school needs this library renovation badly. My students and I can't wait to get this started. Here's the link again. https://donate.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=donate.contribute.projDetail&projdesc=13-303-009